They can come at any time of the year and sometimes we sail through them while at other times they make us feel dreadful. If we are coping well with them it is a sign that our body is having a clear out and our lymph and immune systems are working effectively. Coughing, the production of catarrh and sneezing are the body’s way of removing irritants and mucous.
Homeopathy can support the clear out, make the symptoms more tolerable and sometimes stop a cold in its tracks or prevent the onset of chronic complaints such as a cough or sinusitis.

How to find the right remedy:
To find the correct remedy for a cold you need to match the symptoms you are experiencing – including their unique ‘character’ – with the most suitable homeopathic medicine. The right remedy match will stimulate a healing response quickly in an acute condition. Unlike conventional medicine there are many individual remedies that might work for your specific symptoms so pay attention to your exact symptoms, what makes them better or worse, how they feel and anything that is unusual.
At the first sign of a tickle or sniffle try these remedies:
Aconite - comes on suddenly
Use this remedy when your symptoms come on suddenly, particularly after exposure to a dry, cold, wind. If you need Aconite you will have a severe headache and a full, heavy sensation focused around your left temple. You may have a flushed hot face and bloodshot eyes and a sensation that you have something stuck in your dry throat.
Your symptoms will feel better in fresh air and worse in a warm room. You may also feel very thirsty and crave cold drinks.
Allium Cepa - redness, soreness, sneezing
If you have a straight-forward cold and your main symptoms are a sore, dripping nose and watery eyes try Allium Cepa. The remedy is made from red onion so think of the symptoms you get when chopping an onion. You may need this remedy if your lips and nose are red and sore and you can’t stop sneezing. A further symptom is a sore throat with an annoying tickle and a hoarse voice.
Arsenicum Album - blocked, burning, anxious
This remedy suits someone with a running nose that burns the nose and lips and feels better indoors. Your sinuses will feel blocked, your throat dry and you will crave sips of cold water. You may also feel highly anxious.
Bryonia - dry, crave water, want to be left alone
This is for a very dry cold with a dry nose, mouth and throat. Sneezing brings up mucous and can be accompanied by shooting and aching pains in the forehead. You may also have cracked, dry, lips and crave water. You may feel grumpy and want to be left alone and have sore, red and swollen eyelids.
Euphrasia - streaming, worse from bright light
If you need Euphrasia your nose will be streaming with a bland discharge and your eyes will be burning and red from tears. You may have a bursting headache which is worse in the light and makes you yawn, you could also start to develop a day time cough.
Natrum Mur - sneezing, thick discharges, coldsores
In this remedy picture there is violent sneezing with a thick egg white like discharge from the nose. You will have a tickling sensation in your nostrils and your cheeks may ache. Your eyes may become puffy and dry and you could develop coldsores. You could also feel overwhelmed, tearful and withdrawn.
Nux Vomica - flushed, hot, blocked up/sneezing, better indoors and warm
With this type of cold your symptoms may develop in cold, dry weather or air conditioning. The cold starts with a dry blocked up nose, heavy head and irritability and then progresses to sneezing and continuous, watery mucous. By the evening your nose will be dry and blocked again and you will want to be indoors and wrapped up. You could also have a flushed or hot face.
Pulsatilla - changeable, headache, clingy, thirstless
You will need this remedy if your symptoms are changeable. Your mucous can be any colour but is usually bland. It will always be worse in the morning and evening and any symptom will be worse in a stuffy environment. You might have a frontal headache, feel muddled, weepy and clingy and will usually be thirstless.
Additional Ways to Help Your Cold:
REST! If you can, make time to rest and help your immune system fight off the cold.
Fluids. Make sure you drink enough water. Good hydration will help all your symptoms.
Supplements and herbal support – get advice from your local health food shop. There are many herbal preparations and vitamins such as Vitamin C, Zinc, Black Elderberry and Echinacea that can help fight a cold but get good advice on the right amount and brand to take.
Calendula Cream - use calendula cream for your sore nose and lips.
Diet – make sure you are eating a healthy diet and avoid foods that produce mucous such as dairy.
If your symptoms do not respond to the remedies:
If your symptoms persist for more than two to three weeks and you are concerned that they are worsening into more chronic symptoms of a persistent cough, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. please consult your GP and, or a qualified homeopath. Homeopathy can work alongside conventional medicine.
Contact me:
For more information on homeopathy and how it can treat you please call me on 07810 464527 or email at